Thursday, April 14, 2011

What is Leech Therapy?

Leech Therapy may be new for many people. Maybe this is the first time you hear about Leech Therapy. Wow, such therapy really does exist? Yeah, and it does not just exist, okay, but it is also known as a miracle healing.

So, what exactly is Leech Therapy? I think you can guess it just by the name. Yes, the main doctor in leech therapy is the leech itself. Mostly the therapists will use more than one leech to put on the patients' body to let the leeches suck the patients' blood. Yulk, disgusting! Well, you have no idea, wait until you know what these leeches can do.

The leech has three big jaws and hundreds of teeth to tear the patients' skin. Oh, I make it sound bad haha... don't worry, the bite won't cause a great pain. According to most patients who have through leech therapy sessions, the bite is just like the sting of an ant. So, no big deal.

What matter most in leech therapy is the leech's saliva. When the leech suck the patient's blood, it injects its saliva into the patient's blood. Leech's saliva contains Hirudin, natural antibiotic, natural penicillin, and many more miraculous substances which will improve the blood flow and therefore fix the blocked blood veins in human body. When blood circulation goes well as it suppose to be, all areas and organs in human body will have enough food and oxygen which means healthy body. So far, leech therapy can cure any diseases related with blood, such as cancer, hypertension, heart attack, diabetes, kidney failure, migraine, gum diseases, eye diseases, etc. and it also can relief pain of burnt, pain in knee (athritis), allergic, baldness, etc. yeah, impressive I know :)

Two thumbs up for Leech Therapy!!!   

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